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Faith, Family, Football


     "I remember as young child singing the timeless vacation Bible school song “The Wise Man Built His house Upon the Rock.” It wasn’t until I was older that I realized the importance of building not only my house but also my life, family, and organization on a stable foundation. My foundation is my faith in God. The contentment, stability, and the confidence that come from knowing there is one who truly loves me and is genuinely interested in my life are without question my rock. In the first chapter of my book “Coaching Football Successfully,” I address many of the principle and properties that make up a rock solid foundation.


     The ultimate goal of my coaching career has been to teach young men, players, and coaches the value of living with Godly principle and priorities as their guide. Winning is a by-product of keeping our priorities in order and living life to the fullest with our internal value system leading the way. Maintaining priorities and keeping them in order are an all day, everyday job, but one that is paramount for success in all areas of life. The X's and O's are the easiest part of the process when you have principle based players and assistants.


     In the football program at Jenks High School, we begin with four priorities, faith, family, academics and football which are essential for each person and our overall program. We strive to reach our highest potential not only in football but in all areas of life. 


     The first priority is faith, the apostle Matthew said, now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Faith affects our lives in many ways, all of them positive, faith led Noah to spend nearly 100 years of his life building a boat and saving his family and he did it in a time believed by many scholars when the Earth was watered by dew and not rain. Noah faced daily ridicule and setbacks but was relentless and labored daily to complete the ark because of his faith in God. Ultimately his faith saved he and his family.


     A personal faith in God can be a great source of strength for coaches and for players. In addition, having faith in your coaches and teammates makes your football team a powerful unit capable of accomplishing great things."


     – Coach Allan Trimble

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The Trimble Strong Foundation is a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax deductible.

© 2019 Allan Trimble

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